Marriage by the Book:
Modeling the love of Christ in marriage.

Modeling the Love of Christ in Marriage
Marriage by The Book guides couples through an interactive experience to look at marriage through the lens of faith. This discussion based study uses both traditional and unexpected passages to illustrate differing view points as couples examine real life situations.
This course is a unique opportunity for couples to openly discuss their faith and marriage ideals with each other as well as other couples. These 45-60 minute session classes are ideal for small groups oras a Bible class.
Contact today to learn more and register for a course near you!
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Interested in leading a class?
The straightforward format of the class and the easy to use Leader’s Guide make this a great class to lead and experience. Contact Marriage Dynamics Institute to learn more about how you can bring Marriage By The Book to your area at 800-650-9995.
“Even after 24 years of marriage, the Marriage By the Book course was a blessing to us and helped us in learning to effectively communicate. We enjoyed the format of the class, and the topics in the book helped us tremendously and armed us with tools that assisted us in developing an “even deeper” relationship with God and each other.”
Lambert & Tonia
Atlanta, GA

Dynamic Marriage
Your marriage can be more alive and fulfilling than you ever thought possible.