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I. Introduction (7 Minutes)
- Pray for all of the couples.
II. Sharing Session (85 Minutes)
- Ask what they wrote in answer to the question at the bottom of page 36 in the handbook (3 minutes).
- Call on people who wrote answers in the handbook.
- Briefly affirm each answer.
- Tell about the three chairs on the side (1 minute).
- Have them answer questions on page 41 in the handbook.
- Encourage them not to read answers from the page but to talk freely.
- Write the questions on the back board where all can see them.
- Explain again how applause gives affirmation and support.
- Remind them to use page 48 in the handbook for notes to use during the group encouragement time.
- Start the group sharing (80 minutes)
- You and your assistant go first—be open and answer each properly, not using notes.
- Fill your sharing chairs.
- Introduce the first sharer.
- Applaud after each sharer.
- Affirm each sharer in turn.
- Introduce each new sharer in turn.
- Do this until everyone has shared and been affirmed.
- Recap and vote for the person showing the most growth so far during this course (3 minutes).
- No one votes until the recap concludes.
- The assistant collects the votes.
- No one ever hears there was a tie.
- The assistant breaks ties for first or third place and fills in the card or book.
- Dismiss the group to their break.
III. Break (15 Minutes)
IV. Final Session (38 Minutes)
- Present the award to the recipient (2 minutes).
- Have the top three honorees stand one at a time and applaud for each.
- Make sure all three sit down together before presenting the award.
- Allow the award recipient to thank the group and pass around the award for notes.
- Explain next week’s homework (1 minute)—refer to page 42 in handbook.
- Group affirmation (12 minutes)
- Give everyone 30 seconds to select one person who touched him or her, and thank the person for his or her message, attitude, example, or encouragement.
- . Remind everyone to confer with his or her Prayer Notes.
- Keep time on each person to avoid going over time.
- If your time runs out before the entire group has an opportunity to affirm another, stop the activity anyway.
- Closing Activity: Ask everyone to come to the front one at a time and tell the positive things he or she has gained from this course (20 minutes).
- Each person can only talk one minute.
- Explain that the assistant will wave at 45 seconds and again at one minute.
- Do not permit anyone to talk beyond the one-minute mark.
V. Conclusion (5 Minutes)
- “What did you learn tonight?”
- “Tell me something good you learned about yourself, your spouse, or your marriage.”
- Closing prayer (Ask each couple to pray together, especially for any difficulties they encountered in the homework.)
Class Preparation Checklist:
- Listen to “Facilitator Skills” and “Session 5” messages on the Facilitator audio message.
- Pray for each couple by name; pray for God to use you.
- Prepare the name tags.
- Bring an award to class.
- Bring extra pens.
- Bring a box of facial tissue.
- Bring ballots to class.
- Make sure the refreshments are coming.
Classroom Set-up Checklist
- Arrange room furniture for classroom set-up.
- Eliminate outside viewing of the classroom.
- Put “Do Not Enter” signs on all doors to the classroom.
- Write the sharing session questions on the board (see page 41 in the student handbook).