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I. Introduction (7 Minutes)
- Pray for the couples in your class.
II. Sharing Session (88 Minutes)
- Ask 2-3 people what each wrote on pages 51-54 in the handbook (3 minutes).
- Call on people who wrote answers in the handbook.
- Briefly and positively affirm each answer.
- Tell about the three chairs on the side (3 minutes).
- Introduce the person from the first chair; others slide down; someone fills in the last chair.
- Allow them to come as volunteers.
- Have them answer questions on page 56 in the handbook.
- Encourage them not to read answers from the page but to talk freely.
- Have questions written on the board where all can see them.
- Explain again how applause gives affirmation and support.
- Remind them to use page 58 in handbook for notes.
- Start the group sharing (81 minutes).
- You and your assistant go first—be open and answer each properly, not using notes.
- Fill your sharing chairs.
- Introduce the first sharer.
- Applaud after each sharer.
- Affirm each sharer in turn.
- Introduce each new sharer in turn.
- Do this until everyone has shared and been affirmed.
- Recap and vote for the person who is best trying to meet his/her spouse’s emotional needs (3 minutes).
- No one votes until the recap concludes.
- No one ever hears there was a tie.
- Once the assistant collects the ballots, dismiss the group to the break.
- The assistant breaks ties for first or third place and fills in the award.
III. Break (15 Minutes)
IV. Final Session (30 Minutes)
- Present the award to the recipient (2 minutes).
- Ask the three honorees to stand one at a time and applaud for each.
- Make sure the three honorees sit down before presenting the award.
- Have the award recipient thank the group and pass around the book for signing.
- Explain next week’s homework (3 minutes)—refer to page 60 in the handbook.
- Bring pages 69-72 to class next week in a sealed envelope.
- Pages 69-70:
- Marriage Dynamics Institute really wants to read your letter.
- Explain that you will never see their letter.
- Ask each person to write a few lines to MDI, seal it in an envelope, and bring it with them to session 8.
- Page 71:
- This page contains a simple form for helping others as you’ve been helped.
- Family Dynamics Institute is committed to helping families for as little cost as possible.
- A surprising percentage of the cost of the courses Family Dynamics Institute provides is subsidized by private donations.
- Perhaps you want to help them enrich more marriages in the future.
- Page 72:
- Please write your name on page 72 in the top blank line.
- Think of at least three other couples that you feel confident would want to become facilitators of this course if they just knew about it.
- If you are interested in exploring the possibilities of becoming a facilitator, list yourself in one of the four three blocks on page 72 as well.
- Pages 69-70:
- Complete the End of Class Survey online by going to http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DynamicMarriageEnd as your handbook explains on page 60.
- Write the letter to your mate on page 64 of the handbook.
- Do the rest of the homework listed on page 60 of the student handbook.
- Bring pages 69-72 to class next week in a sealed envelope.
- Closing Activity One: Sharing with your spouse (14 minutes)
- Ask each couple to sit facing each other (wives: knees to husbands’ chairs) and holding hands.
- Wives – quiet; husbands – talk!
- For two minutes each, have the men answer the following three questions:
- In the last few weeks I’ve learned to appreciate the following things about you:
- Let me tell you reasons that I’m in love with you:
- Here are some other things I like about you:
- Reverse the roles with all three questions.
- Make sure you call time at 6 minutes so each spouse gets a chance both to talk and to hear the other talk.
- Take 3 minutes to write on page 57 in the handbook what each person remembers about why his or her spouse loves him or her.
- Closing Activity Two: Tell it to the world (12 minutes)
- Each person stands and takes no more than 30 seconds to tell what he or she loves about his or her spouse
- Make sure they understand they only have 30 seconds.
- Use your timing mechanism to call time.
V. Conclusion (9 Minutes)
- Group affirmation (4 minutes)
- Give everyone 30 seconds to select one person who touched him or her, and thank the person for his or her message, attitude, example, or encouragement.
- Remind everyone to confer with his or her Prayer Notes.
- Keep time on each person to avoid going over time.
- If your time runs out before the entire group has an opportunity to affirm another, stop the activity anyway.
- Closing prayer (Have each couple pray together, thanking God for their spouse in specific terms.) – 1 minute
Class Preparation Checklist:
- Listen to “Facilitator Skills” and “Session 7” messages on the Facilitator audio message.
- Pray for each couple by name; pray for God to use you.
- Prepare the name tags.
- Bring an award to class.
- Bring extra pens.
- Bring a box of facial tissue.
- Bring ballots to class.
- Bring the End of Class Surveys
- Make sure the refreshments are coming.
Classroom Set-up Checklist
- Arrange room furniture for classroom set-up.
- Eliminate outside viewing of the classroom.
- Put “Do Not Enter” signs on all doors to the classroom.
- Write the sharing session questions on the board (see page 56 in the student handbook).