Help to recruit your class!
Facilitators / Ministry Partners,
As you are planning your next class, contact your Ministry Consultant with the dates of your class so it can be added to the website schedule.
If you do not have firm dates set yet, let your Ministry Consultant know the general timeframe that you are planning to offer a class.
As you are reaching out to couples about your class, please keep in mind these tried and true recruiting tips. These are low-cost efforts with maximum results!
- Have a plan.
- Involve church leadership at the highest level.
- Make a list of couples you would like to invite, and then personally invite them.
- Go to church leaders, and ask them to personally invite couples who would benefit from the class (not couples in crisis).
- If church has website and social media pages, contact your church administrator about posting your class.
- Announce during weekend services – personal announcements, bulletins, powerpoint, video, etc.
- If there are previous Dynamic Marriage/United graduates in your congregation, enlist them in a grassroots effort, challenging them to personally invite at least 2 couples to the class.
- Schedule a preview meeting, ideally 2-4 weeks before the pre-session date. Make it a convenient time (after church tends to work well) and provide refreshments.
- Go to Sunday School classes and make a presentation.
- Utilize church message sign if available.
- Set up a staffed registration table in the busiest area of the church building for before, between, and after worship services.
- Consider those outside your church family. Invite neighbors, friends, families that are friends with your children.
Download Recruiting Banquet Outline
Download Victory Celebration Registration Sheet
Download the Dynamic Marriage Promo Kit below to start recruiting for your class! Includes Powerpoint for church announcements, poster template, social media graphic template, and more!
Download the United Promo Kit below to start recruiting for your class! Includes Powerpoint for church announcements, poster template, social media graphic template, and more!