If you or your spouse is battling depression, you are not alone….
Dwayne Johnson probably isn’t quite a household name yet, but he’s got to be getting close. Having appeared in more than 50 movies and television shows, Johnson is the star of Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. The 2017 film is the sequel to the 1995 offering featuring the late Robin Williams.
As you may know, the actor didn’t get his start on the silver screen. He first came to notoriety as a football star at the University of Miami. Later, donning the moniker “The Rock,” Johnson thrilled fans as a professional wrestler, becoming one of the most prolific successes of all time in that sport.
His life in the limelight may seem like a dream come true, but under the muscular physique and the glitz and glamour, Johnson is merely human. The UK’s Sun newspaper recently featured an article suggesting Johnson struggled with severe depression after watching his mother attempt suicide while the family was living in extreme poverty.
It affects those around you.
The Rock’s admission to nearly crumbling mentally doesn’t put him among a small or isolated group. Mental Health America reports that one in five U.S. citizens battle mental health disorders, including depression.
Mental health problems exist for a variety of reasons, but if you’re struggling with them, it’s not just you that’s suffering. Not wanting to burden your spouse with what you’re feeling may seem like a noble thing to do, especially when what you’re going through doesn’t have much to do with them. Perhaps you feel guilty about being down or upset in the first place. You look around at your life and convince yourself you shouldn’t have anything to complain about at all. You may think that you can pull yourself together and work through the funk in which you feel you’re stuck.
However, working through depression isn’t quite that simple. In fact, without the right help, depression can lead to significant damage to you, your marriage, and your kids. It’s time to open up about what’s going on inside. It’s likely that your spouse would be the first in line to want to help. Still, sometimes outside help is needed.
If you are dealing with depression, find help.
If at all possible, find a qualified, godly counselor who has experience treating depression. But if you’re not quite ready to take that step, at least find someone to confide in. It’s usually best to choose someone who is the same gender, who demonstrates godly wisdom and loving encouragement, and who you’re confident will not only tell you what you want to hear, but what’s right.
When you’re vulnerable enough to open up about what you’re feeling, you’ll relieve that pressure that comes from holding things inside. You’ll discover you don’t have to go it alone. You’ll get an outside perspective on your situation that may help you move forward. And, you may get help finding the courage you need for some in-depth, specific support you need to process the things that are holding you back.
It’s hard to let others know that you’re in a low spot. But, if the Rock can break down and do it, perhaps it’s time that you do, too.
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