Couple walking and conversing.

Walking Together for a Better Marriage

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommunication, Connection, Marriage Health, Mental Health, Quality Time, Reconnecting

Question: What one activity can improve your physical health, enhance your mental well-being, elevate your mood, and increase communication with your spouse? Answer: Walking together. Most everyone knows that walking is a great form of exercise. Experts agree that walking improves general fitness, including cardiac health. Walking in combination with a healthy diet can help prevent weight gain. It creates …

What if My Spouse has Major Depression?

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommitment, Hope, Mental Health, Patience, When Life is Difficult

Most of us get a little blue sometimes about life or things happening around us. Such feelings of sadness are normal, and they are usually temporary, and don’t indicate major depression. But what if your spouse is sad for weeks on end and nothing seems to help? Or their behavior changes and you feel like you are living with a …