A caterpillar hatches and eats non-stop for days. Then it spins a sac around its body and undergoes radical change, emerging in just a couple of weeks as a different creature.
This transformation–from caterpillar to butterfly—is nothing short of a miracle.
At Marriage Dynamics, we offer marriage courses that inspire transformation in marriage.
What happens during a nine-week Dynamic Marriage or United course?
Good marriages grow stronger, average marriages renew their excitement, and strained marriages turn around before getting into real trouble.
All this happens because transformative courses are distinctively interactive and experiential.
So these courses have a lasting impact on behavior.
During a transformative marriage course:
- Couples learn to listen and truly hear one another.
- They discover how to love one another in the way each needs to be loved.
- Husbands and wives pray together and grow spiritually closer to each other.
- They find practical ways to share in and support each other’s dreams.
After a nine-week marriage course, couples report a strengthened commitment to each other and their marriage. They are excited to continue walking out proven strategies for positive, intentional change.
Marriage courses take place in the context of a supportive learning community either in-person or live online. So couples are encouraged by the miracle of transformation they see in themselves and in others.
Since we became facilitators about 15 years ago and as the leaders of the Marriage Ministry here at our church in the DFW area, we have seen God do miraculous things! We have seen couple after couple literally transformed by their participation in the Dynamic Marriage Classes. Communication lines reopened, intimacy re-established, respect rebuilt, and hope restored. Rich Green, Compass Christian Church Colleyville, Texas– Care & Support Pastor
For more information about transformative marriage courses in your community, contact us today.
Does your marriage need more than a marriage course? Find out about our workshop for marriages in crisis.
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