How long has it been since you’ve written a love letter to your spouse?
We found this sweet letter from a wife to her husband, and it inspired us. Because there’s something about an actual old-fashioned letter that is undeniably romantic—even when it’s written on a computer.
In an age when too much communication comes in the form of a text message, real conversation is often missing from our days. So there is something exceptionally thoughtful about picking up pen and paper (or sitting at a keyboard) and writing out your thoughts.
That brings us to the question: Are you grateful for your spouse?
Are there things you need to say to your spouse in this season of Thanksgiving? What do they need to hear?
As we head into a season of reflection and thankfulness, why not write your spouse an actual letter?
Start by asking yourself the following questions:
What qualities in your spouse cause you to feel particularly grateful?
Has your spouse done something for you that makes you want to say thank you?
What are your hopes for their life?
What do you pray about for them?
Who are they helping you become?
In what ways – physically, emotionally, and spiritually – does your spouse provide for you?
What have they sacrificed for you?
You may think of other things to write about. And you can always borrow a few lines from a favorite song or poem if you need help putting feelings into words.
The truth is, the holidays are a stressful season for most of us. Your loving and affirming words to your spouse might be the very thing to combat seasonal tensions.
So don’t let this season slip by without letting your spouse know how you feel. Why not put your thoughts to pen and paper.
Then find some time to be alone and let them read them what you wrote, or read it out loud to them. Don’t be surprised if your spouse keeps that piece of paper for years to come.
A love letter to your spouse just may be the best gift they’ll get this holiday season.
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