An open letter from our Executive Director:
Fall classes are winding down, and we have one more A New Beginning workshop on this year’s calendar. It’s hard to believe, but very soon we’ll say goodbye to 2019 and launch into a new year.
So much has happened!
Marriage Dynamics celebrated 25 years of ministry this year. Recently, I sat down with our board to look at where we have been and where we are going.
My heart is full of gratitude for the many hundreds of couples impacted this year through MDI trainings, courses, A New Beginning workshops and weekend Reconnect events.
And those are just the couples we know about!
When marriages grow stronger, when husbands and wives find more meaningful connection to each other, when couples who are in crisis learn how to repair and rebuild fractured relationships and choose to stay together—these things have a ripple effect. Because when marriages thrive, children feel more secure. Families are healthier. Extended families are encouraged. Churches are stronger. Communities are more stable.
What we do matters! I am so grateful for all the couples who have participated in what Marriage Dynamics has been about this year!
I am especially grateful for our volunteers—those couples who have taken the time to receive training so they can facilitate our nine-week marriage courses effectively. Facilitators are the life blood of our organization. If you are an MDI facilitator, we are so grateful for the gift of your time, and the way you serve others so graciously through our Dynamic Marriage and United courses.
And speaking of gratitude, many of you have chosen to partner with us this year by giving to support the work at MDI. Whether your gift was a one-time donation, or you have chosen to become a monthly partner, I am thankful for you. Because we could not survive without you.
We are grateful for 2019, and excited about 2020!
Every week we hear from couples who would love to take a Dynamic Marriage or United course, but don’t have one available nearby.
We need more trained facilitators to lead courses!
Every week we hear from couples with marriages in crisis who lack the resources to get to the A New Beginning workshop.
We need additional scholarship funds!
We are praying and dreaming big about more courses and workshop locations to meet the need.
So what are you grateful for this year? And what are you dreaming about for the next one?
Would you like to be a part of strengthening and saving marriages in 2020?
We welcome your support!
Deborah Timson
Executive Director
Make your gift by clicking DONATE.
Thank you for your time and for your support.
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