I love you sign - study of what love is

Nurturing Love: 7 Ways on How to Guide Your Spouse in Loving You

Marriage Dynamics InstituteConnection, Contentment, Listening, Marriage Health, Reconnecting

Love is a complex and ever-evolving emotion that forms the foundation of a successful and fulfilling relationship. While every individual has their unique love language and understanding of love, teaching your spouse how to love you can lead to a deeper, more meaningful connection. Open communication, vulnerability, and patience are key elements in guiding your partner to better understand and …

Woman rejects man's gift of a plastic heart - different love language

Are You and Your Spouse Speaking Different Love Languages?

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommunication, Marriage Health, Romance, Uncategorized

Do you have trouble understanding what your spouse needs to feel loved? As soon as we were old enough to understand it, most of us were probably taught some version of “Do unto others as you’d have done to you.” The Golden Rule, as we call it, is a wise biblical principle to keep in mind as we deal with …