Are you ready for Christmas?
Gifts bought? Wrapping done? Packages in the mail?
It may seem like this extraordinary year has dragged on and on, and yet in other ways it has flown by. And now Christmas is almost here again.
This season is all about connection. Because God connected with us in human form when he sent Jesus. And to celebrate, we reach out to each other sharing cards and gifts, and gathering in person or perhaps via Zoom this year.
But the extra activity and emotion of the holiday—on top of the everyday stress of a difficult year—can leave us feeling a bit disconnected from those we love most.
Try one (or more) of these ideas to keep the connection strong between you and your spouse this Christmas season:
Have a conversation about holiday planning, shopping, and decorating.
Is there something you always do (because you love it) that your spouse might enjoy helping with? You never know until you ask! Is there something you don’t really enjoy, but your spouse assumes you do because you always take care of it? A simple conversation might help you redistribute holiday tasks in a way that works better for both of you.
Remember to include date(s) in your plans.
That may mean cuddling in front of a movie after the kids are in bed, taking an afternoon hike, enjoying dinner out or ordering a meal from your favorite restaurant. The activity does not matter. It’s the time spent together that counts.
Be generous with kind words and affirmations.
At least once a day, compliment your spouse. Express appreciation in words that you say out loud. And don’t forget simple things, like saying please when you make a request and thank you when your spouse does something for you (even if it was ordinary and expected.)
Make time for romance.
Bring on the mistletoe! Leave a sweet note or unexpected little gift for your spouse to find. Offer hugs. Hold hands and walk around the neighborhood together. Go to bed at the same time. Be intentional and make time for physical connection with your spouse.
Connection isn’t rocket science. And it isn’t one grand gesture, like a spectacular present.
It’s the daily conversations and the little actions we take that keep us moving toward each other in marriage. Even and perhaps especially during busy seasons.
And if you want to discover ways to grow deeper in your connection with your spouse, invest in your marriage by taking a marriage course like Dynamic Marriage or United.
And if you are struggling to find connection in your marriage, you may want to check out the A New Beginning workshop. Three days really can make a huge difference for your marriage relationship!
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