Got any special plans for Valentine’s Day this year? In this season, we often feel obligated to demonstrate feelings of love by purchasing things like candy and flowers, or even more expensive gifts. And while there’s certainly nothing wrong with giving and receiving gifts, there’s a lot more to real love than hearts and flowers. Love is powerful. It is …
The Gift of A Strong Marriage (Part 3) Legacy
Legacy is often thought of in financial terms. It’s the money or the property or the family heirlooms left behind when someone dies. And while that is true, Â legacy is not always something you can hold in your hand. Because legacy is what you pass down to those who come after you. That might include money and property, but it …
Christmas: To Those Who Are Not Happy This Season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. At least that’s what the song says. And everywhere people greet each other with “Merry Christmas!” or “Happy Holidays!” All over town, churches put on their best seasonal productions, and the music rings out joyfully. Lights twinkle, bells jingle. While at the local mall, Santa offers his best Ho Ho Ho. But …
The Gift of a Strong Marriage (Part 2) — Stability
When you decide to get married, you start making plans. And after you marry, you keep making plans. But you know what they say. Life is what happens while you are making plans. My husband and I had a five year plan when we married. We knew what we wanted to do and where we wanted to be. And we …
Grow Closer Spiritually with These 6 Ideas
Want a happier, more fulfilling marriage? One route to greater intimacy in your relationship is to grow closer spiritually. Studies show that couples who share a steadfast devotion to their spiritual lives have happier marriages than those who don’t. While that sounds appealing, how does the couple who’s never been “religious,” or those who come from different backgrounds get started? …
Trusting God in Your Life and Marriage
Learning to trust God with everything…. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). If you have children, you know the direction you point them isn’t always the direction they want to go. You don’t steer them …