Happy couple - good marriage relationship

12 Practical Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Spouse

Marriage Dynamics InstituteContentment, Marriage Health, Uncategorized

What constitutes a strong foundation for a marriage? A marriage relationship can be one of the most rewarding experiences two people can have this side of heaven—or it can be one of the most difficult. Too many couples enter into the marriage relationship relying solely on the power of their feelings rather than establishing healthy relational habits. But feelings can …

Woman looking at wedding ring, considering divorce

3 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Are Considering Divorce

Marriage Dynamics InstituteDivorce, Marriage Courses, Separation, Uncategorized

This powerful post about divorce was written by our friend, Pastor Brian Jones. It was originally posted at happinessable.com, and it is published here with permission. Also, if you are struggling in your marriage, please reach out for help. We offer several marriage courses, and our transformative A New Beginning workshop is specifically designed for couples who are in crisis and headed for …

Couple reading Bible together - spiritual growth

How to Grow Closer Together Spiritually

Marriage Dynamics InstituteFaith, Family, Uncategorized

Spiritual growth in your marriage starts with you…. Achieving spiritual intimacy with your spouse is a fantastic goal. It’s a gift many long for but never seem to find. You can meet this lofty summit, but it doesn’t start with two. It begins with one. You. While it’s great to get to a point where you and your spouse are …

Rose with note - Show How Much You Care

10 Simple Ways to Celebrate Your Love Every Day

Marriage Dynamics InstituteContentment, Quality Time, Romance

What if every day were Valentine’s Day? I know, I know. You want to show how much you care for your spouse, but it feels like it takes a ton of effort and thought just to make the officially recognized holiday special. Just hear me out. Think about the mindset that makes February 14th such a romantic day.  The happiest …

Stressed businessman - quit your job

Three Reasons Not to Quit Your Job

Marriage Dynamics InstituteContentment, Finances

You may be tempted to quit your job. But is that the best choice right now? Fred the Baker is an all-star. Who is Fred the Baker? You mean you don’t remember him? He remained the faithful face of Dunkin’ Donuts during the 1980s and was famous for always saying “time to make the donuts.” The best thing about Fred …

I love you sign - study of what love is

What Love Is and What it Isn’t – A Few Thoughts from 1 Corinthians 13

Marriage Dynamics InstituteDevotionals, Faith

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (1 Corinthians 13:7 ESV ) How do we know what love is, exactly? From days of old up to this minute, people have answered this question in many different ways. Greek philosopher Sophocles, who was around before Jesus, said, “One word frees us of all the weight …

Man carrying boxes - how to help your spouse when they need it

Is Your Spouse Stressed Out? Five Ways to Help

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommunication, Marriage Health

It’s vital in a marriage to help your spouse when they are overwhelmed—even if they don’t know how to ask for help. You know when you pull into the garage and you’ve got a lot of groceries to carry inside? You don’t want to have to come back out, so you try to take everything to the house at once. What …

quarterback - strategy for winning marriage

Want a Winning Marriage? Use a Great Playbook

Marriage Dynamics InstituteGoals, Marriage Health

You can’t expect to have a winning team or a winning marriage without a great playbook. When the Eagles meet the Patriots on Sunday to decide the NFL’s top team, you can bet there will be some serious intensity on the gridiron. You don’t get to the league’s final game of the season without some heroics on the field and …