Couple in marriage crisis arguing. Man looks confused.

Navigating Power Struggles in Marriages: Balancing Equality and Harmony

Deborah TimsonCommunication, Conflict, Listening, Patience

Marriage, often seen as the union of two souls, brings together individuals with distinct personalities, beliefs, and expectations. As couples embark on this journey, they encounter a variety of challenges, one of the most common being power struggles. These conflicts arise from differing perspectives on decision-making, responsibilities, and roles within the relationship. While power struggles are a natural part of …

Honest communication using the formula likes, concerns, suggestions can make difficult conversations easier.

3 Words = One Simple Formula for Honest Communication

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommunication, Connection, Marriage Health, Patience

Honest communication is essential for healthy relationships. But in our hyper-polarized society, people say a lot of ugly things in the name of being honest. And unkind words don’t bring out the best in anyone. There is a simple formula, however, that is useful for evaluating ideas and providing feedback in all kinds of situations. It’s helpful in business settings …

when one spouse wants to save the marriage-husband reaching out to wife

When One Spouse wants to Save the Marriage, and the Other Doesn’t

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommunication, Conflict, Intimacy, Marriage Health, Marriage Intensive, When Life is Difficult

Sometimes things go terribly wrong in a marriage relationship, and one spouse wants to save the marriage, but the other does not. Unhealthy relationships can fall apart quickly. They can go completely off the rails in dramatic fashion setting off shock waves that can leave one or both marriage partners in denial. Marriages can also drift into indifference. And couples …

Two piggy banks surrounded by hearts. Winning at marriage.

Loss Aversion and Marriage: Simple Ways to be a Winner

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommunication, Conflict, Connection, Criticism, Marriage Health, Reconnecting

Human beings really, really hate to lose. In economics, they call this concept loss aversion. Research shows that people feel worse about losing $10 than we feel good about finding $10 because we actually experience losses more intensely than we do gains.  In other words, we tend to focus more on negative emotions and setbacks more than we do on …

Man kissing smiling woman. Cultivating oneness in marriage.

6 Ways to Cultivate Oneness in Marriage

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommitment, Communication, Conflict, Connection, Date Night, Intimacy, Marriage Health, Quality Time, Reconnecting, Romance

Oneness in marriage means that after a few years, your spouse should probably know you better than anyone else. Because your spouse is the person who sees what you are really like when no one else is around. That’s part of the wonder of marriage. It’s vulnerable. Even scary. You might say it’s part of the wonder of oneness. And …

when you marry your family loyalty shifts. Bride and groom holding hands.

Marriage and Family Loyalty

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommitment, Communication, Conflict, Connection, Family, Finances, Marriage Health, Weddings

In marriage, there should be no doubt about family loyalty. Because when you get married, primary loyalty shifts from family of origin to the new family unit. Your spouse becomes your immediate family, and your first loyalty. And while your spouse will not be your only friend in life, they really should be your best friend, and your closest companion. …

Couple in marriage crisis arguing. Man looks confused.

Is Your Marriage in Crisis?

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommunication, Conflict, Connection, Criticism, Hope, Marriage Counseling, Marriage Intensive

Sometimes couples are living in the middle of a marriage crisis, and one spouse doesn’t even know it’s happening. “My spouse just left and I had no idea she/he was so unhappy,” the caller says. “What do I do now?” The answer is simple, but not necessarily easy. Get help and make changes. Because just limping along and doing the …

Marriage is a journey. Couple walking along dirt road.

Marriage is a Journey, Not a Destination: Tips from Seasoned Travelers

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommitment, Communication, Connection, Contentment, Goals, Intimacy, Marriage Health, Romance, When Life is Difficult

Marriage is a journey. You don’t suddenly arrive at a great marriage. Rather, you discover it one day at a time. Sometimes it’s like a thrill ride! Other times it’s a strenuous uphill climb. No one can completely map out their marriage journey because life… happens. But there are things you can do to make sure your relationship is ready …

Keep love alive: Couple in wedding clothes sitting on a hillside

Keep Love Alive in your Marriage: Four Habits to Consider

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommitment, Communication, Connection, Date Night, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Marriage Health

Want to keep love alive in your marriage over the long haul? Develop behaviors and habits that feed your love one day at a time. Healthy marriage habits prevent feelings of loneliness and disconnection and help you grow a strong, resilient relationship that can survive the decades. This could be a much longer list, but here are four habits to …

Older couple walking on beach.- close together.

From Separation to Sharing the Love: A Dynamic Marriage Journey

Marriage Dynamics InstituteCommitment, Communication, Connection, Faith, Family, Forgiveness, Humility, Intimacy, Marriage Counseling, Marriage Courses, Marriage Health, Quality Time, Reconnecting, Selfishness, Separation, Uncategorized

Every Dynamic Marriage journey has a “before” story. For *Greg and Kate Watts, the story began when they met in 1976. According to them, it was love at first sight. We enjoyed being together and spending hours in great conversation.  We shared the same sense of humor.  Our interests were similar.  We enjoyed going to church together and our personalities …